Flutter Clean Architecture Part 3

After following the first 2 parts, it comes time for the last part. I think I put too much code in 2 previous part and because it still incomplete, we don’t have a chance to run it. Maybe some other time I’ll rewrite it with clearer steps, but for now let’s just finish what we have so far. Dependency Injection In clean architecture, we use dependency injection (or DI in short) to make our project cleaner....

August 6, 2024 · 2 min · Me

Flutter Clean Architecture Part 2

In this part I will explain the rest of directory structure of Flutter Clean Architecture. If you haven’t read the first part, click here and to read it. Directory Structure (Part 2) Feature In clean architecture, we divide our application into features. For example, in this project will have a weather feature. Each feature will have its own (but not always neccessarily) domain, data and presentation. Data data as it’s namesake, will deals with all data needed by the app....

August 6, 2024 · 8 min · Me

Flutter Clean Architecture Part 1

What is Clean Architecture? Do you ever wondering how to manage your Flutter code? How to make it neat, modular, easy to maintain and test? Here where clean architecture comes in. Basically, clean architecture is a way to organize your code into separated pieces that will make your project cleaner. It may looks complicated at first and a lot of boiler code for some reasons. But trust me, it will be a lot easier if you apply the clean architecture in your code, especially in medium to bigger projects....

March 23, 2024 · 6 min · Me